In the middle of Africa with a Chacma Baboon on top

DSCN6501_20160321_122420We were doing a day hike from Constantianek in Cape Town (i.e starting at the foot of Table Mountain) but hiking away from it to Kalk Bay, over Vlaeberg (Flag Mountain) part of a series of mountains where hunderds of years ago flags were used to signal arrival of enemy ships accross the Peninsula. In the process we hiked past (and some swam) in the Silvermine Reservoir on route to exploring the Boomslang (Tree snake) cave. You enter the cave on one side of a mountain and exit on the other side! I led the group despite only having done this hike 18 years before and at places we had to reroute our steps (which actually contributed to the adventure).

I can show you a variety of photos which qualify for the Weekly photo challenge as indeed the entire hike was a cherry on top experience being the theme this time round. From a photography perspective I settled on the Chacma baboon sitting on top of a branch with the backdrop of the Constantia mountains. Seen in isolation you may think that you are isolated and hundreds of kilometers from modern life as we know it (in the middle of Africa as it were). However underneath the Chacma baboon is photographed from a different angle but on the same burnt out branch.  Instantly you are teleported back to Cape Town with the  Southern Suburbs (Steenberg Estate, Tokai) in the backround, the closest dwelling less than 200 meters from the baboon.



And for good measure I throw in a photo of the hiking party. On the left of the picture are 2 tall guys, one in length and one in stature…

Links to my other contributions for weekly challenge.

An inconvenient partnership  (Buffalo and Tickbird)

opposing democracy – democratizing opponents (Parliament and a cathedral)

Look up to my lens Table Mountain (Table mountain and cable car)

a study in ice and snow (Photos from the coldest place in South Africa)

31 thoughts on “In the middle of Africa with a Chacma Baboon on top

      1. Dit is eintlike ‘n baie interessante storie. Saam met die trop bobbejane is ‘n “Bobbejaanwagter”. Hy beweeg saam met die trop. En die alfa male het ‘n halsband met ‘n radio sender om sy nek. Dit is in poging om die bobbejaan troppe in die stad te beheer. Moet nog blog hieroor skryf

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lisa it was indeed a marvelous day. I am still to write a blog about the hike itself. If you click on my gravatar you will also see an image I took that day (and you can sail there!). If come this way let me know

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ll be able to do it Regina. By car you can get very close to any destination on Silvermine. Our route however was 23 kilometers one way. we parked a car on Boyes Drive Kalkbay and then took another back to Constantianek where we started.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Now that is certainly a compliment! J.R.R. Tolkien was actually born in South Africa and his father – a bank manager, died and is buried Bloemfontein, the capitol city of the province called Free State. It is also claimed by some that the very beautiful village and forest in the Eastern Cape Hogsback, inspired middle earth. But obviously middle earth was inspired by my photo 🙂


  1. Ek en my meisiekind het ons eenkeer vasgeloop in ‘n trop bobbejane by die Harold Porter Botaniese Tuine naby Hermanus. Ons asse afgeskrik. En by Kaappunt het ‘n vriendin van my se seun moes toekyk hoe ‘n groot mannetjie met die mandjie waarin die jongman die verloofring vir sy meisie weggesteek het, weghol. Sal graag wil lees van die pogings om die bobbejane bietjie hok te slaan. Hulle raak regtig lastig, al is hulle so ougat. Oulike storie, Abrie, pragtige foto’s.


  2. Baie dankie.
    Goed om hierdie Amerikaanse Afrikaans in my Suid-Afrikaanse Afrikaanse blog te sien wat in Engels geskryf is – ja dit is verwarrrend – ook vir my…
    Die asse wat afgeskrif is klink vir my soos ‘n blog in wording en die gesteelde mandjie klink vir my soos Leon Schuster film – maar as ek die jong man of sy (on)verloofde was, sou dit nie snaaks gewees het nie. Wat die bobbejane aanbetref is daar verskeie skole van: maak vrek tot hulle het meer reg om hier te wees as die mense. Ek dink nie een van daardie 2 standpunte is die oplossing nie.


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