Electrifying order

I am not a techie when it comes to engineering but do have a friend who is an engineer from the industry currently working in Zambia. Thanks to him, I have some understanding that to plan and construct an electric network takes a methodolical and competent mind of the greatest order. At the electric pillar underneath the cables come together from (and is directed in) different directions creating the sense of order, we are challenged to interpret this week. It was the first time I really spent time with these pillars and chatted to them about their opinions, their fears and what they deem to be their triumphs.

Now this may seem strange to you but my wife tells me that as a small kid she imagined it to be girls with dresses and they played with her! At least I only became strange in later life…  Now that I look at them again –  these girls have grown up into attractive ladies and they certainly have hour glass figures! I suppose nowadays boys can imagine these to be Transformers (trucks changing into robots) although transformers in their original context certainly plays a big role in the distribution of electricity.

The connectors keeping the lines equidistant certainly enhanced the lady’s appearance like jewelery

The modest light is dwarfed by the pillar and totally dependant on it to fulfill its purpose

Number 406 – such a feminine name

But on top the cellphone tower/bicycle stand is powered by sun power

The first 3 photos were taken at dusk and the last 2 a while after dawn. I drove up the mountain with my bicycle to take the most beautiful sunrise photo ever. The path up was very steep and at one point I nearly fell as I lost momentum due the incline. That (the most beautiful sunrise) was not to be as the mist covered the valley.  The photo above shows how steep the slope is, certainly not easy to construct this line.  Going down the mountain with the bicycle certainly produced electrifying adrenaline.  Photos taken on the Outeniqua mountain near Gerorge in the Western Cape, South Africa.

37 thoughts on “Electrifying order

    1. Dankie Hester ek het nou die skrywe gaan aanpas en die tikfoute en sinkonstruksies gaan verander wat ek voorheen baie vinnig getik het. Ja vral die eerste foto spreek to my. Ek was baie teleurgesteld dat die mis in die vallei gehang het want vandaar sien mens anderkant George toy by Mosselbaai, maar dit gee my rede om terug te gaan 🙂

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      1. Dis ten minste iets om na uit te sien. Ek en my dogter het so ‘n rukkie terug by Eskom se substasie hier onder in die dorp ook fotos geneem – ons het onder een van hierdie monsters gelê en die blou lug afgeneem. Niks dramaties nie, maar ‘n baie mooi teenstelling.


    1. Bali drome, jy is baie gaaf om te se die skrywe is baie goed. Ek het dit baie vinnig gedoen en nie weer deurgelees nie, want ek wou dit klaarmaak voordat ek na n vriend se verjaarsadag gaan (een van die stappers toe ek 50 geraak het). Ek het nou die tikfoute reggemaak en van die sinne verander. Maar dankie want ek vermoed jy verwys n die konsep.

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  1. Nice take on the prompt! And I found your wife’s interpretation very interesting – as a child I used to think of them as Ravana – a demon from HIndu mythology ready to do battle 😀

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  2. Van nou af sal ek sowaar met ‘n ander oog na die “dames” kyk… jy het baie moeite gedoen om by hulle uit te kom 🙂 Soos altyd interessante fotos!!

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Of jy kyk soos my seun drie dimensioneel….. en sien met die oog die klaar produk. Dit leer ‘n mens nie in fotografiese klasse nie….. dit is ‘n gawe.

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