Irreverent? See my photo of Michelle Weber!

Michelle Weber urges us to show something cheeky this week! Kids, animals, faces in inanimate objects, amusing signs, funny juxtapositions – to go and find a little irreverence in our world: WordPress WPC: cheeky

I am in the very fortunate position to have a photo of Michelle herself for the challenge. No, I am not that irreverent; I am not saying Michelle is a monkey. Michelle is posing with a monkey. I do believe it is a Weber standing on the table…

People call us Vervet monkeys naughty and cheeky, but that is not true I am shyness, timidness and and obedience personified; no butter to melt in this mouth.

I am merely here to to take  a ride on my mountain bike. 

Ma’am there is something stuck to your uh… Actually to more than one of  your uh’s… Don’r quite know how explain this,  maybe you should look down⇓

Oh this is so embarrassing!

Problem solved. If I can’t see them, they can’t see me

Well there you have it, milk canisters in juxtaposition fervently enjoyed by a baby vervet monkey. I suppose it speeds up the feeding process or maybe it is easier for them to hang on. Vervet monkeys enjoy double thick milkshakes! Enjoy your food these holidays regardless if Michelle is making it. Translation : regardless if it is made in a Weber or not.

If you want to find out more about these monkeys please visit my blogging friend Hester Ley Nel who has info about them ad there protection. Her photos were taken in Kwazulu-Natal while mine were taken at a house in the Knysna forest, Southern Cape.

27 thoughts on “Irreverent? See my photo of Michelle Weber!

      1. Jaaaaaà Abrie!!!!! Toe ek die byskrif die eerste keer lees dog ek jy praat van jouself. Lees toe weer omdat ek my oë nie kan glo nie…. en snap toe van wie jy praat.

        Liked by 1 person

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