Scene of the crime

Having taken a break from the photo challenge I was fired up to start again this week; that is until Ben Goudaman gave us the variations on a theme theme! After racking my brain on what to post I finally decided to post a few random photos, claiming that the theme are photos and see, they vary… But being one of those cheeses (a brie cheese in fact) who try to be conscientious with the theme, it sounded unethical to me. And the absence of ethics often lead to criminal acts.

Then the eureka moment struck me. I could show you the house and tree where the crime was alleged to take place. There were 2 witnesses only and each adamant that their variation of events were the only version.

Witness A claimed the crime took place on a lone hill, at a lone house, with a lone tree next to it and that he saw the accused at the scene. Underneath is the picture he painted to the court.

The counsel for the defense asked A if he was sure there weren’t any other trees at the scene of the crime. Witness A, believing a cunning lawyer was trying to trick him, repeatedly and confidently rebuked the lawyer by simply telling what he saw. Facts are facts.

Counsel: Wasn’t there perhaps trees behind the house?

Witness A: While I do not have x-ray eyes (A was becoming fed-up) I could see right through the house as the empty doorway at the back of the house, could be seen through the hole in the wall at the front of the house. Certainly no trees behind the house.

Witness A was excused and witness Brie took the stand also determined to point out what he saw at the scene truthfully and determinedly by simply giving the facts.

Counsel: Were there holes in the wall of the house.
Brie: Yes in fact there were 2 holes in different walls.
Counsel: Were you able to see through these holes to the other side of the house?
Brie: No
Counsel: So you couldn’t see trees behind the house?
Brie: No, I mean yes I could see trees, there were trees all over the place behind the house next to the house – all over.
Counsel: Are you sure there wasn’t only 1 tree.
Brie: No that is ridiculous, there was a continuous row of trees (you are not going to trick me, Brie thought to himself)

Underneath is the picture the second witness painted to the court.

Can’t be the same place

The not so lone tree

The defense lawyer argued that the 2 witnesses placed the accused at 2 different places at the same time and that constitutes a reasonable doubt and therefore the accused cannot be found guilty. With the states evidence being mainly circumstantial the judge had no choice but to agree. As A and Brie failed as witnesses, Abrie needs to state that this account is wholly fictional and made up by him, he being me. I can confirm however that it is definitely the same place. And no I haven’t edited anything out. By looking up the hill the gradient hid the trees behind the house which appear impossible when viewing the house from the side.

Your point of view can influence your point of view. Our own opinion can make us blind to something which differ from our view of things. But if we are in a bad spot we can also have a view which want us to give up and not see the solution.

In 2018, may all of us realize that we aren’t perfect and that love and forgiveness can still overcome the most horrid of views.

50 thoughts on “Scene of the crime

  1. Ek is mal oor ou murasies en vind hierdie een pragtig…veral daardie dik skoorsteen. Baie besondere manier van beskrywing van hoe mens dinge verskillend sien, Abrie. Die derde foto wys nie by my nie. Het jy dit dalk uitgehaal?

    Liked by 1 person

              1. Ek het nou vir Toortsie ‘n plan gegee om by daardie huis ‘n crime te beplan aangesien sy nie vingerafdrukke het nie. 😀😀😀 Sien wat hierdie magic huis van jou aan my doen?

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Jy moet my asb hier help Abrie… jy en jou huis het my nou in ‘n strik laat trap. Ek moet ‘n crime storie skryf waari julle bloggers deel het. As jy Toortsie se vingerafdruk stuk en kommentare lees sal jy verstaan. Ek soek idees!!!


    1. Dankie. Daar is ook ‘n foto wat nie wou wysnie wat nou daar is.
      Ja daar is ‘n ander veel vreemder “murasie” waaroor ek nog moet blog en daardie een laat my regtig wonder.


  2. Abrie, ek weet nie of jy al hierdie blog van Toortsie gelees het nie As jy daar lees, kyk net na die kommentare – ons het lus vir ‘n speletjie. Laat weet asseblief of jy kan saamspeel; ons wil graag hê dat elke blogger net ‘n kort deeltjie van die vervolgverhaal skryf en ek het voorgestel dat jy die eerste persoon moet wees. Het jy tyd om saam te speel?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ek het ‘n klag om te lê asseblief. Of dalk is dit ‘n mosie van wantroue.
    Jy kan nie net kom en foto’tjies plaas en vorentoe kyk en aanstap asof niks gebeur agter jou nie! Jy moet bietjie omkyk ook.
    Gaan lees asseblief by my vingerafdrukstorie wat jou foto’s en Kameel se verbeelding veroorsaak. Ja, ek weet jy was al daar, maar loop kyk asseblief weer. Dis chaos, man! Chaos! En ons word nou almal daarby betrek!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jy is inderdaad reg. Die advokaat vir die verdediging het egter besluit om nie oor die boom te vra nie want as albei die boom binne in die huis gesien het sou dit teen sy taktiek in gewerk het. Maar ja dit is moeilik om te glo mens kannie die laning bome van onder af sien nie.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Besonder interessante storie die. Ek het nou eers heen en weer geblaai deur die fotos. Omdat jy noem dat daar bome en geen bome is nie moes ek nou eers seker maak waar die geheim lê. Beslis n kopkrap storie maar jou verduideliking wys beslis dat geen twee se sienings dieselfde kan wees as jy nie op dieselfde hooge is nie. What a crime scene.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dit is selfs vir my wat fisies daar was moelik om te glo dat dit moontlik is. Op daarfie stadium het ek bloot fotos geneem. Dit is agterna wat ek opgelet hoe daar “2” crime scenes kan wees (aldus die fiktiewe advokaat).


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