Vaarwel my X-TRAIL; the Last Farewell

English follows underneath also regarding photos
Ek het gaan muurbal speel en op pad terug by ‘n rooi verkeerslig gestop. Dertig sekondes daarna het ‘n bestuurder onder die invloed van drank agter in my motor vasgery. Anders as ek kon hy nie verder ry nie en het ek geweet sy voertuig is afgeskryf . Dit was vir my ‘n verassing dat die X-Trail weens herstelkostes ook afgeskryf word. Weens finansiële redes skaal ek af na ‘n sedan en dus die ende van ‘n era. Die 1ste foto en video is geneem die dag waarop hulle die kar kom haal het. Hierdie is meer as ‘n doodsberig, dit is ‘n ode, die epitaaf van my X X-Trail.
For obvious reasons I was not going to link the post to the Pet themed Lens Artist photo challenge this week facilitated  by Tina from Travels and Trifles an esteemed member of Lens-Artist quartet.  In a sense the X-Trail was like a non flesh and blood pet.  A dog I suppose because it did what I instructed it to do. But the circumstances of its death did stir emotion in my heart like any loving pet does.
I was driving back after playing squash and stopped at a red traffic light. I did not expect my car to be squashed by a drunk driver 30 seconds later. His car had extensive damaged and a write-off. The X-Trail could still drive, thus it was a surprise to be informed by the assessors that it would be too expensive to repair. Because of financial reasons I am scaling down to a sedan. Thus the end of an era. The salute and video was taken the morning before they came to fetch the car. This is more than an obituary, it is an ode, the epitaph of my X X-Trail.
Ek salueer u – worthy of my salute

And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow
Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell
For you are beautiful, and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
For you are beautiful, and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell
 video length 35 seconds
‘n Emosionele groet – an emotional farewell

My X-Trail smelt weg ten spyte van die Glacier (my werksplek) in die agtergrondTowed away to eternity with my place of employment behind the X-Trail

Ons eerste rit as gesin. Spierwit en die loopvlak op die bande is meters dik!First trip as a family. Angelic white and a meter thick tread on the tyres!

Nie eers berge in die pad kon die X-Trail onder kry nie!Despite me accidentally driving over this rock in the road, the X-trail had no damage!

‘n Stofpad reënboog op ‘n agter-ruit is pragtigNothing dreary about a gravel road rainbow on the back window

Or a beautiful tree for that matter –  almost fusing with natureOmvattend beter beeld as die weerkaatsing van die ondergrondse parkeerterrein by die werk

Enabler of many a camping adventure – gaan definitief gemis word tydens kampe


⇑⇓Not the end of the road – hier sal ek weer ry⇑⇓

Nie jou gemiddelde voertuig nie – 14 wiele saam met die stuurwiel en die spaarwiel!A fourteen wheeler including the spare wheel and steering wheel – not your average vehicle!

Ek staan hier by ‘n rooi verkeerlig (alweer) en pluk vinnig my selfoon uit.In the context of last week’s photo challenge about Frames, I dare say the X-Trail is a much better frame for Table Mountain than the ugly giant yellow frames. However Tina did me the extreme honour of mentioning the Frames post in the conclusion of this weeks challenge regarding pets.

  • The person who drove into me was wearing his seatbelt otherwise he would have gone through the window. My neck was sore for a few days due to whiplash, but is fine now. It could all have been a lot worse.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up
a time to keep and a time to throw away

extract from Ecclesiastes 3

54 thoughts on “Vaarwel my X-TRAIL; the Last Farewell

  1. Well I may have had a pet ox but who knew there would be a pet car Abrie 😊. An immensely creative (OK it was a stretch) response but because you made me Laugh Out Loud I will allow it. Glad to hear you weren’t seriously injured tho. And as an aside, indeed you MUST have loved the X because I’ve never seen so many photos of a vehicle!! Thank goodness as your memories of her will be safe forever!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am always glad to make someone laugh although it wasn’t intention this time round. Actually with the wisdom of hindsight I shouldn’t have linked it. It was already written before you published the pet challenge

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Dankie Dromer ja dit is jammer maar daardie persoon het groter probleme as ek want hy het ook nie versekering nie. Nogtans dinge kon erger gewees het, hy sou oor die rooi lig gery as my kar nie in die pad was nie.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. An end of an era, Abrie. I’m hoping that you “fall in love” with your new car and collect many wonderful memories in it. I loved your video, by the way. A very creative finale!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A great tribute to your car, Abrie – a lovely and permitted stretch of the challenge! Now, I am glad you made the best of your loss and let us have your story – thank you! I must say, my daughter have some of those tendencies as well – but with shoes. When they cannot be mended anymore, she writes an ode to them for all they have taken her through and all the roads they have walked. Finally she photographs them before sending them away. We all have our peculiarities – and that is a positive thing!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dankie tannie Frannie ‘n vriend van my het ‘n plaas daar in die Overberg wat hy verhuur maar daar is ‘n huisie (opgeknapte Toweropstal) waar ons juis die 2de naweek in Oktober weer gaan kuier.

      Liked by 1 person

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