Anne-Christine of the esteemed Lens-artists quartet requests the following from us:   “We are looking forward to saying Good Morning to all of you! Be it your morning, any morning or some creative twist”.

Anne-Christine does that creative licence include a phonological twist, which would unfortunately give it the opposite meaning to “Good morning”?

  • The world is in mourning, someone must change the mourning into mornings filled with smiles.

Not necessarily me though… The first person who died in South Africa from coronavirus was a 48 year old colleague who had underlying risk factors. The same underlying risk factors I had in 2013 – embolisms in the lungs. I must admit I did not know her and as she was working in a different building, was not in contact with her. But the colleague dying being the first in our country and the realization that the “fit” Abrie of 2013 fitted the risk profile perfectly, touched me. 

The photo’s underneath (expect the last one), were all taken early one morning, shortly before lockdown. While I have not been active on my blog, it would fit quite a few of the recent  Lens-Artist topics:

It was a working weekend (that was the excuse to break away anyway); we installed a solar panel (having previously installed a wind turbine) to my friend Danie’s off the grid break-away cottage. Given the circumstances, it will be a while before breaking away to Krabgat (or anywhere else) will happen. 

To me the first photo is symbolic of what the world is experiencing at the moment.

Barbed- in without a barber

This  was certainly one of my more somber posts…

  • The world is in mourning, someone must change the mourning into mornings filled with smiles.

My attempt to make you smile is visual this week, as a result of my shaver also being in lock-down. Due to the work I do, I have an interest in the secondary bond market and its impact on investments. But the actual reason for being interested in BOND(s) – dramatic pause – is rather more obvious…


34 thoughts on “MOURNING

  1. Oh, Abrie. Thanks for the laugh! I do see the resemblance to Bond. It’s quite striking. 😊Your somber and gorgeous images mirror our present situation in a beautiful way. Thanks! And stay well!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Abrie, how nice to awaken to a new post from you! It’s been a long time. Yes, the world has become a different place since we last saw you but despite our fears you found some smiles 😊. Love your new Bond look!! Your morning images are lovely and your opener is beautifully creative and expresses the state of the world perfectly. Haven’t read much about the virus in S.A. How prevalent is it?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes indeed from December to now it is literally a different place. Glad to hear from you Tina. South Africa currently has 2 802 active cases with 86 deceased. We have a stringent lock-down and my daughter at university is at home getting online classes as well as my high school daughter. I also work from home and my wife being a nursing sister is works at a clinic.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Abrie, I’m so happy to see you and you post. Thank you for the good laugh this morning. I love these morning photos, beautiful and tranquil, well captured.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’re back! It might just be a brief foray but it lifts my heart to see your beautiful images once more and to read your interesting take on the world around us. A world in mourning indeed – the first photograph could be the stimulus for pages and pages of thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Terloops Hester ek moet vir jou dankie sê sedert die eerste eier wat gelê is oor idiomatiese taalgebruik was ‘n “Doring in die vlees omtrent elke maand die toppresteerder in stats. Al blog ek nie meer so baie nie word my blog streeds besoek danksy daardie post en sedert die begin van die eier posts lê 2 ander eiers 2de en 3de

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ek het eintlik maar letterlik uit die bus geval toe ek nie saam is op die groen bus nie en die Rebusfontein trein het ek heeltemal verpas. Dit is nogal interessant dat die Engelse posts oor die algemeen meer hits kry wanneer ek dit post maar die Afrikaanse posts kry in die langer termyn meer hits. Dit is oor die algemeen so, wel uitsonderings. Ek het egter nog nooit vir hits geskryf nie, maar elke blogger (veral in my hey days) moet seker hom/haarself afvra as dit werklik so is, hoekom kyk jy dan na die stats?


  5. A phonological twist – yes, it is included. Love to see you again here, Abrie, even if there were some sad news – you managed to turn them into a smile in the end. Beautiful morning images, and your opener is brilliant. I must say you are a Bond lookalike too. Well done! I realize how I have missed you – thank you for joining in – and yes, this may go for several themes we have had. Wish you a weekend filled with as much joy and harmony as possible these days.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Joubert, Abrie Joubert…

      Jammer Una ek is seker ek het geantwoord maar sien dit nie nou nie.. In elk geval die probleem van ‘n baard dat mens mettertyd ‘n Paul Kruger look-alike word. Alhowel ek dankbaar is teenoor oom Paul vir die rol en inspirasie wat hy by Toweropstal vervul het, wil ek darem nie soos hy lyk nie!!


        1. Dankie Tannie Frannie maar as ek dink aan my dae van blog passie is dit vir my sleg dat en nou net ‘n dan en wanner geword het. Ook die kuier by ander se blogs waar mense gereeld met spontane kwinkslae vorendag gekom het.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Dankie Vuurklip vir hierdie besonderse opmerking. Ek het spesifiek fotos gaan neem by die water. ‘n Trop skape op die buurman se plaas het my oog gevang en ek het in die pad opgestap om hulle “from a higher vantage point” af te neem. Met die opstap sien ek toe die rol doringdraad. Baie keer verg goeie foto’s beplanning. Hierdie foto was onbeplande bonus.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Onbeplande fotos kom uit die hart uit. Jou oog is beslis in gewees vir treffende fotos. Water gee tog maar n besonderse betekenis aan n komposisie! Wat die Bond betref- Nou toe nou, nou toe nou. Dubbelganger se moses. Goed gaan met jou en jou mense tuis. Ons is gelukkig nou in fase 1 en net ons grense is steeds almal toe. Hul beplan om die Seiljag wedvaart se mense betyds “in te voer” sodat hul genoeg tyd het om in kwarantyn te wees. Dit gaan vir ons wankelende ekonomie n groot hupstoot gee as dit werk.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Baie dankie Inneke dit was lekker om in die koel oggend die fotos te neem. Die James Bond ding het natuurlik ‘n groot tergery geword 🙂
    Hoop julle kry reg om die jagters betyds in te voer. Ek hou van mense wat jag omseil


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